Wednesday, November 1, 2017


Hello, lovely people. I sort of forgot about this blog, what with moving into college and working full time over the summer and all. But I've decided to give you all an October recap....and life update too, I guess. Also, NaNo post coming soon but I have yet to start planning for that, SO. This year will be a crazy novel writing season.

October has been a month of study, soccer, and experimentation. I've done everything from die over a calculus assignment to wearing black nail polish for the first time. Pumpkin painting with my dorm unit and Bible study with dear friends. And also learning just how terrible I am at paddling a canoe, even if it was made out of cardboard.

October has been a month of lessons, and it's gone by so fast. As some of you know, I made the last minute switch into engineering back in August. While I never would have imagined this is what I'd be doing last year amidst all the pressure to find a major, God has shown me so much of His goodness. From classes that make me feel alive to sweet new friendships, this whole journey two months into my new life has been nothing less than amazing. Sure, there've been the stresses and fears and anxieties, but in finally submitting to God, I've received more blessing than I could have dreamed.

October has been a month of summer. I'd really like to say I've been enjoying fall and pumpkins and hot chocolate and golden leaves and apple cider, but fall has yet to arrive here. It's been warm for pretty much all of this month, only truly dropping into the 60s sometime last week. On the bright side, it looks like the weather will stay cooler in the near future and I'll start seeing the hallmark colors of fall. Also, can I just mention how, while I hate how confusing time changes are, I'm so looking forward to that extra hour next weekend. Hopefully to be used for sleep. Hopefully.

October has been a month of relationships. To be honest, friends were something I didn't want to think about going into college. If you'd asked me over the summer what my social life in college would be like, I probably would have said something along the lines of nothing. Heck, it took me three whole years at the same small school to truly make friendships, and even those were rarely deep ones. So that's why, every morning when I wake up, I wonder how I already have lovely friends. I thank God for them every single day. Friends who will just come into my room without really knocking as long as the door is open a crack and who let me do the same. Friends who I've sprawled out on a hair-filled dorm room floor and played card games and told stories and just shared life with. I couldn't have asked for more incredible humans to do life with this first year of college.

So anyways, I guess this has been a pretty great month, even with all of the ups and downs. It's been a crazy ride, from my staying in the dorm alone over fall break to having three major assessments in a single week. It's also been a time of learning so many new things from so many new people. I'm so grateful to God and to everyone who's entered my life this month, and I'm looking forward to the adventures to come!

But let me hear about you guys now! How have all of your Octobers been?