
About me-the-person:
I'm a Christian girl who likes to explore and create for the glory of God. A few of my hobbies include reading, writing, drawing, and playing violin and guitar. I'm a full-time student who happens to be searching for a job. My fabulous little mutt is my BFF and probably will be forever. I also like laying on my bed procrastinating and watching YouTube videos, but no one knows about that part. Anime is my obsession, but shh, few know about that either. Oh, by the way, I'm an INT(F)J, and Myers-Briggs fascinates me.

To find me, just look somewhere with free food and wifi. If you happen to be in the right vicinity, you'll probably see me buried in a book or my computer watching anime and reading webcomics. If that doesn't work, a nearby procrastination center would be your next best bet. I specialize in the art of procrastination - with no schooling, too. Imagine that!

About my creative things:
I prefer not to write outright Christian fiction, but I do include my values in my work (I'd assumed this is what's supposed to happen, but correct me if I'm wrong...). Most of what I write is aimed towards the YA or teen audience, so there will be some darker themes and situations.

As for my art, I draw anime. It's been about three years now since I drew my first character, and improvement is always fun to look at. Actually, drawing was the catalyst for me getting into Japanese cartoons and animation. My art will be consistently SFW, so no worries there. I've done a few romantic drawings, but never further than hugging and kissing. Some of this might show up on this blog from time to time.

Finally, music. I've been playing violin since 2004, so I'd like to think I can play fairly well. I also taught myself Guitar about three years ago and took a class in school last spring. I can't play well, but I can get a few notes out when I need to. Voice-wise.....yeah, let's not talk about that.

That's all I've got for now. Feel free to contact me any way you prefer. I'm almost always near a screen, so I'll get back to you pretty quickly.
Email: hannahgracewriter@gmail.com

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